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Updated: Nov 10, 2023

There has been a campaign to get a traffic-free cycle route between Wellington and Taunton for many years. In the last three years this has involved a well supported protest and rally at which prominent local politicians including the current leader of Somerset Council pledged their support and committed to getting it done.

Somerset Council has commissioned consultants to put together an outline strategic business case for a cycle path from Wellington to Taunton. This is in preparation for the time when funding is available from the Department for Transport and other sources, and is looking at all the options between the railway line to the north and the M5 to the south.

The consultants will be conducting stakeholder consultations in the next few months, and we, the Grand Western Greenway Association, will lobby hard for our route to be favoured. The more people we have supporting us, the stronger our case will be, so please cick here to Get Invilved

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Updated: Mar 31, 2023

Wellington is a substantial town 6 miles from the county town of Taunton. It is proposed to establish a predominantly traffic-free greenway between them along the route of the disused Grand Western Canal. Wellington will have a new railway station by 2025 which would mark the starting point, and it would end at Taunton Railway Station giving access to both town centres

Sustainable transport initiatives in the coming years mean that more will be cycling from Wellington to Taunton,

  • the canal corridor provides a level route separated from most traffic,

  • its heritage and wildlife assets make it also ideal for recreational use,

  • It will provide 6 miles where walkers and cyclists can exercise without traffic noise and fumes,

  • it will link Taunton station and the new Wellington station for benefit of visitors

  • links with other local community initiatives (Friends of the Grand Western Canal, the Wellington Green Corridor) will provide opportunities for business development along the route.

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