Somerset Council is consulting about sustainable travel between Wellington and Taunton. If you were a walker, wheeler or a cyclist travelling for pleasure, leisure, work or anything else, which way would you choose to go?
The choices are,
a path on either the north or south side of the A38 from the Chelston roundabout to the new Stonegallows roundabout.
a traffic-free greenway route along Grand Western Canal from Wellington (from Longforth Farm) to Taunton Station
Which way would you go?
- Path along side the A38 from Chelston to Stonegallows?
- Greenway route along the Grand Western Canal?
With the ever increasing amount of motor vehicles on the A38 and the attitude of some drivers to mount pavements and cycle lanes I would prefer a route removed from motor vehicle traffic, plus further away from the A38 noise and pollution. Having walked along sections of the old Grand Western Canal between Taunton and Wellington this seems the most logical route to adopt. Also how about the old canal and/or old railway between Taunton and Ilminster?
The path along the A38 to Taunton already exists, although somewhat rough, it just needs some serious cleaning ie. hedges, weeding, and in some places resurfacing and the odd lowering of curbs, I have cycled it in its present state and it is somewhat hair raising on the narrow sections, restricted by weeds and house owner’s hedges, a few thousand spent in this way could see it back in action, not ideal but possible.
The likely hood of something new in the present financial climate (bankrupt Council) is cloud cukoo land.
I believe both routes have a place. A38 for commuting: (shorter/quicker).
Canal route for leisure.